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In the second round of the AO we will have an unbalanced match between favorite 7, Goffin and French Benneteau. Goffin, 7th place ATP is a player who performs exceptionally on fast surfaces and having a 2017 final finish. Beginning excellent managing to win all three games at the Hopman Cup.David is a very agile player in the field, he serves very efficiently and heavily, he strikes a wide range and he can find some excellent angles, plus his morale is very high.In the first round had something to shoot with Bachinger, which he defeated in four sets.Benneteau, 59th place ATP is an experienced player of the circuit. It does very well on the hard, its main weapon is the service with which it manages to facilitate its points and to get out of tangles. Next to the service he strikes and moves very well in the field. In the first round he passed Taro Daniel in 3 sets, controlling the game. I think that Goffin will succeed it is very good shape and will be imposed with a lot of lightness.
Tip: Goffin wins at least 7 difference games @ 1.53

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