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A surprisingly in-form team at the Atlanta Hawks will host Toronto Raptors at night in a game that is much more important to Canadians than to the Hawks, who nevertheless they still have a goal for this season.
The Raptors did not take advantage of the weaker form of the Boston Celtics and Cleveland Cavaliers in order to put more footprints on the Eastern Conference, but they have the chance to win an important victory at night and I doubt they will show this opportunity. The Raptors have defeated Hawks 2 times this season, and in none of these games the Atlanta team has been very competitive.
With three wins in the last four games, the Atlanta Hawks can no longer be considered the weakest NBA team this season, but it is worth mentioning that they have not even faced Raptors’ team lately, and considering the ambition that should be found in the Toronto camp before this game, I think we can trust with a lot of confidence the victory of the Canadian team in a match that he should basically dominate.
Forecast: Toronto Raptors -2.5- odds 1.53

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